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Vulavula Transcribe

Vulavula transcribe section

Transcribe SDK method

Transcribe an audio file by specifying the file path, with an optional webhook URL for asynchronous result delivery. The maximum audio length supported is 30 minutes.

This method simplifies the process by combining both the upload and transcription steps into a single, easy-to-use SDK method.

pdm add vulavula
from vulavula import VulavulaClient
client = VulavulaClient("<INSERT_TOKEN>")

upload_id, transcription_result = client.transcribe(
print("Transcription Submit Success:", transcription_result) #A success message, data is sent to webhook

Get Transcribed Text

This method allows one to ping the server to get the transcribed text. This is helpful for those who do not want to use a webhook.

pdm add vulavula
import time 
while client.get_transcribed_text(upload_id)['message'] == "Item has not been processed.":
print("Waiting for transcribe to complete...")

File upload


This API uploads the recording file to our azure storage. Currently can only upload one file at a time and does not cater for bulk uploads, this will be updated in the near future.


file_name string required

The name of the file. (Note: I think this will be changing really soon)

audio_blob Blob/string of bytes required

Blob or string of bytes of the file. The string of bytes should be base64 encoded.

file_size int64 required

The size of the file. The file size should not exceed 1GB.


X-CLIENT-TOKEN string required

API token generated for the project.

pdm add vulavula
from vulavula import VulavulaClient
client = VulavulaClient("<INSERT_TOKEN>")

upload_result = client.upload_file('path/to/your/file')
RESPONSE example (200)

"upload_id": "240a180d-553f-456f-912e-14cdc628869c",
"customer_id": 5,
"project_id": 5


OBJECT Response from uploading

200 OK

upload_id string This is the file's upload id

400 Bad request

status_code int64 Response status code

detail string Details about the error

401 Unauthorized
404 Not found
500 Internal Server Error



This endpoint triggers the transcribe process.


webhook string optional

This is the webhook url where transcription results and errors will be sent to.

language_code string optional

This is the language code that we are going to use to transcribe the uploaded audio.

Optionally, you can specify a language code to specify which model you’re speaking on. The following language codes are valid

Afrikaans - "afr"
isiZulu - "zul"
Sesotho - "sot"
South African English - "eng"

If no language code is specified, our built-in language ID will select the most probably language.


X-CLIENT-TOKEN string required

API token generated for the project.

pdm add vulavula
from vulavula import VulavulaClient
client = VulavulaClient("<INSERT_TOKEN>")

transcription_result = client.transcribe_process('<upload_id>', '<webhook>')
print(transcription_result) #transcribed message is sent to webhook
RESPONSE example (200)

{"message": "Message sent to process queue."}


OBJECT Response from processing

200 OK

message string Message to indicate that process was triggered successfully

401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error

Webhook response

The webhook response object will look like this

upload_id string File upload id

postprocessed_text list[dict] (Optional) The audio transcription.

status_code int64 Response status code.

language_id string (Optional) The language detected from audio.